Internet Technology

Three Things You Need To Know About Strong Passwords

It’s a dangerous Internet out there!

One of the first lines of defense we have to protect our precious personal information is the passwords we use to connect to our bank accounts, credit accounts, shopping sites, Facebook, Twitter, and everything else we do online. In some cases, our username and password are the only line of defense.

Photo by Marc Falardaeu
Photo by Marc Falardeau

There are three things you need to know about passwords. First, that they need to be as strong and hard to guess as possible. Second, the characteristics of passwords are hard to guess, and finally, how to remember and use hard to guess passwords.

Strong Passwords

To keep our information and property as safe as possible, we need good, strong passwords. Many sites enforce password policies that require a minimum length and force certain types of characters like numbers, symbols, and both upper and lower case letters.

Productivity Technology

Become More Productive and Eliminate Notification Overload

Ding! A new mail notification appears.

Chirp! A friend just mentioned you on twitter.

Bleep! Someone just liked your facebook post.

Many of us are bombarded every day by the various sounds, message boxes, and vibrations made by our desktop computers, phones, and tablets when a new notification arrives.

iPad and iPhone
Photo by Noel Schäfer

Many years ago when I first started using a desktop email application, I changed the settings to check the server for new mail in the shortest interval possible, I think it was every minute. I wanted read that new mail the instant I received it.

Later, I clearly recall being in awe of the notification options available to me when I bought my first smartphone. Suddenly, I could receive notifications about text messages, news, weather alerts, sports scores, social network interactions, and more. Nearly every app on my phone provided some kind of notification.

Within a year, I was experiencing notification overload and decided I needed to eliminate as much of the notification distractions from my life as possible. If anything, just to get my some sanity back in my life.

There were two things I did to get the notifications under control and reduce the distractions.

Science Technology

International Space Station (ISS) Funding

It’s nice to learn that the current administration decided to extend funding for the International Space Station (ISS) through 2024. Seems like a no brainer to me. The station cost $150 billion to build. I think a mere $3 billion per year to maintain (which I can only assume includes supply/experiment launches and crew changes) is almost nothing when you consider the value of having the ability to conduct orbital experiments and improve the human ability to survive in space. I also would like to believe that since it’s an “International” station that other nations are contributing to the upkeep as well. In any case, I don’t want to throw away the $150 billion we spent on the ISS before we’re ready for the next step.

The Next Step

Space StationWhat is the next step? I like to think that the next step into space is a more robust space station. Something like the space station in 2001 would be fine with me, but I’m open to other ideas. It just needs to be something that can act as a “launchpad” for humans to reach deeper into space from Earth.

I have a strong belief that humans need to move beyond Earth. If the human race is to survive for a VERY long time we need to colonize other planets (in other solar systems) and need to continue the steps that take us there. A comet or asteroid could arrive at Earth at any time and completely destroy what has taken humans thousands of years to develop.

Why Keep an Orbital Presence?

Benefits. Huge benefits. The following is a short list of the benefits of NASA research:

  • Microcomputers
  • Advanced Keyboard Design
  • Water Purification
  • Portable Coolers/Warmers
  • Dustbuster
  • Shock Absorbing Helmets
  • High Density Batteries
  • Solar Energy
  • Pollution Measuring Devices
  • Radioactive Leak Detector
  • Air Purification
  • Breast Cancer Detection
  • Ultrasound Scanner
  • MRI
  • Wireless Communications
  • Robotic Hands
  • New Wing Designs for Jets

A more complete list can be found at the Santa Ana College website.

Buck Stops Here

The United States government (partially my tax dollars) has spend a lot more than $3 billion each year on things that help far fewer people than the International Space Station (ISS). The benefits the United States and humans have gained through space exploration cannot be underestimated. The ISS should continue to be funded until plans for a new, better station are finalized and construction is underway. It’s what I would do if I had the power to do so.