Health and Fitness Personal Insights

Make Your Tomorrow Better

I recently decided to stop drinking coffee.

Quit coffee? Are you crazy?

Well, maybe not completely stop, but significantly reduce the amount of coffee I drink. For a long time, I’ve enjoyed starting my work days (and weekend days) with a couple cups of fresh coffee. I didn’t do it for the caffeine boost; more like a comfort for my morning routine. Due to schedules and activities I occasionally had to skip the coffee and would feel just fine all day long.

Coffee Cup and Computer

I wasn’t able to drink any coffee during a recent illness, and when it was over, I decided to discontinue the coffee habit as an experiment. I mostly wanted to consume less caffeine, but there are other health and financial reasons that I decided to stop. My original plan was to just drink it on the weekends, but due to busy schedules, I haven’t even been able to do that. As it turns out, since the day I decided to change my habit three weeks ago, I drank coffee on just three days. I found that it is not as much of a comfort as it used to be and I feel better overall. I really don’t miss it that much. I do still drink tea (mostly iced tea), but not in the morning and not every day.

I don’t want to quit drinking coffee!

Actually, I’m not telling you this to convince you to quit drinking coffee. During my recent life without coffee, I discovered something. If you told me six months ago that I would try giving up coffee, I wouldn’t have believed it. I loved drinking my morning coffee and it wasn’t something I wanted to give up. I gave up something I enjoyed, or, at least, thought I enjoyed. Turns out, I may not have enjoyed it that much if it was so easy to give up.

Each day I try to take a few steps closer to making my tomorrow (and my family’s tomorrow) better than today. This journey to quit drinking coffee every day taught me something. Are you ready?

Sometimes you have to give up something you THINK you need in order to get something really love.

What I’m really trying to say is that you might not even know how much better your life will be tomorrow after you let go of that thing you THINK you need. As a result of my coffee experiment, I now feel better and am more ready to take the next step to make tomorrow better.

I’m not suggesting that you carelessly give up just anything. My coffee experiment was reasonably safe for me. I could always go back to drinking it if it didn’t improve things. With some careful thought, you could probably find something to give up that has potential to make your future better. That something might be coffee, soda, junk food, or always saying “yes” when someone asks you to do something (even when you don’t want to do it). Whatever you decide to give up will have an impact on you and the other people around you, so make careful choices and be aware of others.

Health and Fitness

Get Moving – Fitness Plan to Lose Weight Part 3

If you haven’t already, you might want to read through Eat Better Foods – Fitness Plan to Lose Weight Part 1 and Should You Count Calories? – Fitness Plan to Lose Weight Part 2 before reading this.

It’s Time to Move It

Almost every morning, my alarm buzzes to signal the start of a new day. I say, “almost every morning” because sometimes I wake a few minutes early and shut it off before it can cut through the cool morning air with that awful sound. Either way, I’m not able to jump right out of bed and get moving… it’s a process. It takes a few minutes, and my responsibilities of helping get the kids to school and getting myself ready for work ultimately take priority, so I get up, start moving and every reason I had to stay in bed disappears. It’s a new day, and time to get moving and get something accomplished.

My point is that while sometimes we would rather stay in bed, in a nice pocket of warmth and not move at all, our bodies were designed to move around. Our hunter gatherer ancestors had to move frequently, or else be killed and eaten by something bigger and more fierce. They also had to move around to hunt their own food. Walking slowly at times and sprinting at other times.

Woman Running

To lose weight effectively and be healthy, we all need to move around. If you’re like me, when you simply get moving and exercise on a regular basis, you feel better, and it’s even easier to eat better. The best part is that moving around doesn’t mean you have to use a treadmill or get a gym membership. You can do anything you enjoy that gets you moving. If you like walking, walk. If you like running, run. If you like swimming, swim. If you like dancing, dance. If you like walking the treadmill at the gym, then go do that.

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

There is one key exercise technique I’ve found to help accelerate the weight loss. It’s called high intensity interval training (or HIIT). Our hunter gatherer ancestors knew about it, but they did it merely to survive. Whatever the activity you choose, be sure to vary the intensity throughout. When done properly, the body will burn fat for energy (long after you’ve completed your HIIT workout) instead of getting energy from other sources. There was a key study published in 2012 to support this position, and, in my personal experience, it is the style of aerobic workout that made me feel the best and was the most fun.

HIIT alternates between high and low intensity exercise for a relatively short total workout time (it should take no more than 40 minutes or so, including warm up and cool down). In my opinion, short workouts are great because they let me do the other things in life I enjoy.

Using running as an example, HIIT training would be running as fast as you can (high intensity) for a short period of time (30 to 40 seconds), then a slow jog or fast walk (low intensity) for a longer period of time (one to two minutes). The exact times will vary depending on your fitness level. As fitness level improves, the low intensity time can get shorter, but should never be less than the high intensity time

Alternate between the high and low intensities for between 12 and 30 minutes. By the time you finish you should be very tired, and hopefully surprisingly energized.

The HIIT technique can be applied to just about any aerobic activity by alternating the intensity. In addition, some studies have found that HIIT accelerates fat loss. Just two of the many reasons I like incorporating high intensity interval training as par of my routine.

Health and Fitness

Should You Count Calories? – Fitness Plan to Lose Weight Part 2

If you haven’t already, you might want to read through Eat Better Foods – Fitness Plan to Lose Weight Part 1 before reading this. The first phase of my plan is to simply eat food that is better for you.

Counting Calories

It wasn’t long after I was eating more healthy foods and less “junk” that I started controlling how much food I would eat each day. The typical method that anyone uses to control their eating on any diet is some form of calorie counting. There is no shortage of smart phone apps, spreadsheets, web sites, and books that will help you measure portions and track the number of calories you eat each day. If counting calories is something you like to do, then pick your favorite tool to track calories and go for it!

I started my fitness plan by counting calories (which wasn’t a bad idea because it helped me understand how much I was actually eating), then I realized something.

I hate measuring my food and counting calories each day, so I don’t do it anymore. Period.

In my experience, simply eating better foods takes you a long way towards losing weight and increasing your overall health. I still eat what I consider “bad” foods, and need to control how much of those foods I actually eat. Once you’re eating better foods, you will want to limit and monitor how much of the the so-called “bad” foods that you eat, and here’s one way to do that.


Tracking Foods You Want to Limit

Oatmeal is a good example of a food that I want to limit. The right kind of oatmeal is good for you, specifically either steel cut oats or old fashioned rolled oats. Instant oatmeal, quick cooking oatmeal, and any kind of oatmeal squares cereal won’t help you lose weight like steel cut and rolled oats. As a grain, I still want to limit how much I eat, so I have it on my list of foods to limit.

The first few times I cooked oatmeal, I measured out one serving (as indicated on the box) in a measuring cup, then poured it into a bowl. I then took a mental picture of what that looked like. Now, whenever I cook oatmeal, I just pour the oatmeal directly into the same size and shape bowl until it looks the same as I remember it from the days I measured. If I’m ever not sure, I can always measure again. This way, I don’t have to measure every time I eat oatmeal. If you can’t remember what your measured oatmeal bowl looks like, you could always take a picture and keep it in a convenient place to review when cooking oatmeal. If that’s too complicated, then you can just measure it each time.

You can use this same process with any food that you want to monitor the amount you’re eating. It’s kind of like counting calories, but not exactly. I use this monitoring mostly to limit myself to more reasonable quantities.

Bad Foods In a Social Setting

If you have co-workers that like to bring cake, doughnuts, bagels, and other foods that you’re trying to avoid, then you have two choices. You can either not eat any at all, or you can just cut a little slice of cake or eat half a bagel. Even if you eat a doughnut one day, it doesn’t mean your weight loss and fitness plan is doomed to failure.

I completely understand that there’s social pressure to sample the foods your co-workers bring to work. The key is to be selective about which “bad” or “limited” foods you eat, limiting the amount, and doingand try to do it as infrequently as possible. There’s no point in torturing yourself about not being able to eat any doughnuts until you lose weight and get fit, because if you’re like me, you’re more likely to experience a breakdown where you eat an entire box of doughnuts in one sitting, then feel horrible about yourself later.

How much should I really eat?

There are a lot of books and articles that try to tell you how much to eat. There’s a huge debate about how to determine what your calorie intake should be to effectively lose weight. I would argue that if you are eating mostly healthy foods that it really doesn’t matter exactly where your daily calorie intake lands. If you are truly hungry, then you should eat something, but just make sure it’s something healthy like lean meats, vegetables, or unsalted nuts.

If you are not exercising now, then when you begin an exercise routine, your calorie needs (and hunger level) will likely increase. There’s more on that in a future post about exercise. Basically, if you’re eating healthy foods and only eat until you’re full, counting calories shouldn’t be a big concern.

Steve over at Nerd Fitness has a lot of good information about healthy eating, the paleo diet, and has been a huge inspiration for me, but more specifically, his Beginner’s Guide to Healthy Eating will provide you with a lot more details about how to eat healthier in general. He covers the entire spectrum from counting calories to moving to a complete Paleo diet. I highly recommend you check his guide out. Oh, and if I sound like Steve in any of my fitness and health posts, it’s because I’ve read a lot of the articles on his site, done many of the things he suggests, and have succeeded. Steve is a smart guy and I’ve learned a lot from what he has shared.

Path in Woods

The Best Path

The best path to follow regarding how much of which foods to eat is anything that you can do for a long time. You want to make long term life changes that don’t impact your overall happiness. For example, you might love doughnuts, so you don’t have to give them up completely, just eat less (or a lot less) than you do now.

Should you count calories? If you want to eat mostly healthy foods and little to no junk food, then no, you don’t need to count calories. If you want to eat more “bad” or junk foods, then you need to pay more attention to the calories you consume each day to increase your health and overall fitness level.

Make small changes to what you eat every few days or each week. If those changes work for you, then keep them and continue with more little changes. If you stop eating a food or eat something new that makes your life miserable, then find an alternative. Just get better a little bit at a time.

The above commentary is based on my personal experience and research. It is not a substitute for the advice of a professional, it’s simply what I’ve done and what works for me. You should consult your doctor before beginning any changes to diet or physical activity.